شماره تماس 02171038222

Applications of four-function juicer

four-function juicer

کاربردهای آبمیوه‌گیری چهارکاره

Applications of four-function juicer : In today's world, the choice is a vital issue because time is a rare gold that we all seek, and every trial and error ultimately wastes a lot of time and energy that does not necessarily lead to our desired result. Details and research before making any decision can be very effective as a result

در خصوص انتخاب لوازم خانگی , this issue is much more important because the amount of use and duration of its consumption is more than usual and we will deal with them more.

Multifunction juicers are among the devices that have been very popular in recent years in that they have many benefits for consumers.

Applications of four-function juicer

The Bishel Four-Function Juicer, which is a collection of juicers, chopper, grinder, and blenders, is the perfect choice to achieve our goals.And of course, working with it is much easier and does not require much effort.
The Bishel Four-Function Juicer, which is a collection of juicers, chopper, grinder, and blenders, is the perfect choice to achieve our goals.
And of course, working with it is much easier and does not require much effort.

How to use a four-function juicer

First, place the components of the product according to the manual and make sure that all the parts are assembled according to the description in the manual, and make sure that it is strong.


In Bischel four-function juicer model BL-FP-010 has 16 separate pieces, which are placed next to the other for better product performance. An important feature of this juicer is that the fruit inlet ring is the size of a whole apple, which eliminates the need for initial preparation. Another thing that makes a big difference is the volume of the pulp container, which contains a suitable volume that prevents interruptions in the process. The strong and very sharp blades of the machine work well and produce pure juice. Separating the pieces in the biscuit juicer bishel into smaller pieces makes them much easier to wash.

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Consider that without a mixer, we have to work separately to get all the food we want to prepare, and of course, we will need a lot of time and energy to do this, and in the end, we will not get the desired result. The devices that help us with everyday tasks are the more logical choice. Preparation of sauces, raw dough, and a large number of foods that need to be homogenized can be prepared using a blender

Assemble the mixer parts according to the manual. Pour all the ingredients together in the blender without the need for pre-preparation and make sure the mixer lid is closed and then adjust the speed of the machine using the buttons on the machine. The speed control button on the bishel mixer is because the combinations are obtained with different textures


The ingredients you want to grind have different textures, some harder, like walnuts, and some softer, like cooked chicken or sumac and cardamom seeds, which are ground for use in food. In any case, you can get any texture you want by considering a suitable blade mill, and of course, you can use a pitcher and a container that fits your needs according to the required volume.


It is very difficult to have in the same shape such as onions, cucumbers, and any other food that needs to be chopped. In addition, when we open our eyes and see that we have filled all around us with chopped pieces, and in the end, we do not get an interesting result. Using the manual along with the product, choose the right blade and plate to make a wonderful Shirazi salad.

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Applications of four-function juicer

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